Prevention of childhood obesity by spreading awareness to children and adults about nutrition and healthy living.
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Childhood obesity is rapidly increasing and one in every five children and adolescents is affected by this chronic disease. It has adverse effects on their quality of life and they usually end up having the same obese lifestyles and every problem that comes with it in their adult lives too.
It was noted that by the time individuals realize how serious of an issue obesity is and all realize its domino effects it is already too late and they require extensive hard training, 360° lifestyle changes and even surgical procedures to help them with the obesity. So it was suggested that healthy lifestyle awareness at a young age is crucial in having any hope to control this chronic disease.
To give awareness about healthy living to young minds and have them engaged was also a challenge of its own. So a digital e-learning platform with unique characters that represented organs was introduced. The platform allowed kids and their guardians to learn about nutrition and healthy living in a creative manner.
The OWG learning material is backed by the data provided by state regulating bodies of the health sector and is evidence-based. The curriculum-linked nutrition and physical activity material have proven to be a solid solution. The impact of the program is recorded to have a significant improvement in children’s weight loss, waist circumference, BMI percentile, and blood pressure.